
Monday, February 4, 2013

My Advice To Newbies Who Wants To Do Internet Marketing (IM)

Hi everyone. On this page I will be sharing all the advices I have received from other IM friends which I find beneficial for me and for you as well. I was once a newbie just like you too. Always jumping from one program to another program trying to find the best one that will give me returns in a short time of period. In the end, I am burned out and broke!

So let me share with you some advice I got in my email from my friends.

=====> Trent Lee's Advice #1 <=====

This one is short and simple, but super important ...

There's no such thing as "push button" profits online.

All of the sites and programs you see claiming you can make a fortune in a week online with just a few clicks are 100% bogus. Flat out scams. I promise you.

Likewise for anything else sounding too good to be true.

Anyone who says you can make a lot of money online ina short period of time with no experience blah blah blahif you just buy their stuff is a liar and a fraud.

And the sooner you stop buying into this junk the better.

I know these offers are tempting. We all want to make as much money as possible, as quickly and easily as possible.

.. we want to believe the incredible claims are true.

Unfortunately they're not.

All these bogus products and "systems" are nothing more than unethical marketers trying to take advantage of you.

Promise me, and promise yourself, that you won't buy into these kinds of scams and waste your time and money.

In fact, if you ever want my advice on a specific site or offer just let me know and I'll give you my opinion.

=====> Trent Lee's Advice #2 <=====

Learning to make money online can be overwhelming.

VERY overwhelming.

My best advice is to pick something that interests you and stick with it for awhile.

Once you've determined that it's "legit" of course ...

You see, giving up on things too early and consequently jumping around from one thing to another is one of the biggest mistakes that "newbies" make.

Too many people just give up when they hit that first little bump in the road - and that's a bad habit.

No matter what you do online - even if you get hooked up with the best business in the world - you're going to run into some obstacles and face some challenges.

This is inevitable. It's just a fact of life.

And there's nothing you can do about it, so it's best to just accept it - and be prepared to deal with it.

So that's my second bit of advice to you ...

Stay focused, try to learn something new every day, find a mentor or coach to help keep you on track, don't give up no matter what, and I promise you WILL succeed.

It really is that easy, and those are the only "secrets" you'll ever need to know.

=====> Jay Hines's Advice #1 <=====

As you are surfing, you will be bombarded with advertising messages. Don't let all of these
offers bog you down. Retain your focus.
First of all, keep your head about you as you surf. If you see a page that interests you, by all
means explore it or submit your contact details to find out more. Just don't waste your time
investigating all of the programs you come across. Many of them are junk. If it looks too good
to be true, guess what? IT IS!
Don't lose your focus. Once you have a campaign running, stick to promoting that site. Don't
constantly search for something new to promote and jump from program to program. Have
a plan, and above all else, stick to it! 
If you are struggling with charting your plan, and don't know where to start, take a look at
Affiliate Funnel.

There you can pick the brains of the most successful TE users and get free training every
Saturday in a member's only conference room.
Also, you will never see any results if you efforts are diluted across loads of exchanges.
Lord knows there are plenty exchanges out there and you can't be in all of them. Strive to
have your ad in constant rotation in a few big exchanges, rather than receive 300 or so odd
hits daily from twenty different exchanges. This will increase conversions, building awareness
of your offer in the TEs.

=====> Brian Rooney's Advice #1 <=====

The Role of Patience in Network Marketing

I’ve noticed a disturbing trend among folks that call themselves “network marketers”. Somewhere along the line, people are starting to get the expectation that network marketing, whether done online or offline, is a matter of opening an account with some flashy program and then just waiting for the money to come rolling in hand over fist. These are the same people that bounce from one program to another, trying this one, trying that one, and never sticking with any of them long enough to actually learn how to succeed.

They read an article or see a video of someone that seems to be experiencing quick success and think, “I’ll be rich in 30 days! All I have to do is sign up with this ‘guru’!”.

Then, when the riches don’t sweep them out of their living room in 30 to 90 days, they are off looking for another “program”. They blame the company. They blame the compensation plan. They blame their upline. But no matter what company they join, their results are always the same. It’s time to realize that if you have joined opportunity after opportunity and you haven’t succeeded with any of them, the common denominator is YOU!

Listen, there are people out there that are able to generate an income very quickly in network marketing. Companies love to share those stories with us. They’re exciting and they intentionally get us all pumped up.

What you may not be considering is the rest of the story. That person that is now a multimillionaire may have been bankrupt a few years ago. These same people have usually spent a lot of years building a solid reputation, generating their marketing lists, developing their skill sets, working on their own personal development, and establishing their credibility. What you see, now, is that they are able to quickly tap in to a large network that they have probably built over the past several years.

It may have taken them 10 years or more to get to the point that they now seem like an overnight success story.

The problem that I’m seeing comes in to play when a complete rookie signs up for a network marketing company and then thinks they are going to be able to, all-of-a-sudden, start generating wads of cash overnight. They typically have no marketing experience, no list, no credibility, no successful track record and they seem really confused when their bank doesn’t call them to ask what to do with the hundreds of thousands of new dollars that just magically appeared in their bank account.

It’s Time To Wake Up!

Success in network marketing comes down to following a few proven success principles consistently over time.

If you are new to the industry …
If you have never made more than $20,000 – $30,000 a year …
If you have never generated more than a few hundred dollars per month in any business opportunity …

You need to understand that there is going to be some time involved before you should expect to see a ton of money coming in. You’ve got some new things to learn. And that’s OK! The right upline can teach you a proven system to help you reduce the time required to learn but you are absolutely going to have to learn some new things if you want new results in your life!

No matter which company you join (provided you have joined a legitimate company), you are going to need to learn and implement the skills, tools, and techniques being used by the successful people in the industry.

Success can be influenced by things like timing, the right opportunity, a great product, etc…
Ultimately, your success will always come down to YOU making a solid and consistent commitment to take the right actions in the right ways over time.

I have seen people sign up for a network marketing opportunity, give it a month or two and then just quit. They say things like “It just didn’t work for me” or “I gave it my best shot” or “I”m just not cut out for this stuff”. They quit instead of commit to learning what it is they are missing.

I’ve also seen that same person’s downline seem to explode because someone else that was on that same team decided to learn and apply the skills required to succeed! If the person that quit had just been a little more patient and taken the time to learn some new skills, their income would have exploded, too!

Time For Some Truth Talk:

If you are thinking things like, “Well, I’ll give it a try” or “Let’s see what happens” or “I hope this thing works” … you are setting yourself up for failure.

There is plenty of evidence. We have no shortage of stories, testimonials, and documented evidence to indicate that success in network marketing is absolutely possible.

The decision you have to make is whether or not you can commit to doing whatever is necessary to create that sort of success for yourself. That sort of commitment requires a “never quit … no matter what” attitude. Your commitment to yourself and your own success will determine how far you go in this industry.

I’ve seen people with multiple college degrees do well in this industry.

I’ve seen people with no more than an elementary school education level do well in this industry.

I’ve never seen anyone actually fail in this industry. They either succeed or they quit.

Network marketing is the great equalizer. The variable is you. How dedicated are you to your own success? Commit to making it happen.

The results are well worth it!

Brian Rooney is the founder of who is also the CEO/Co-Founder of  To join Brian and I get paid to advertise online, you can join here

PS: Happy marketing to all my internet marketer friends and never give up on your dream!

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